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The image is a pure creation of the mind

The image is a pure creation of the mind, said André Breton, in the first Manifesto.

It cannot be born of a comparison but of the bringing together of two more or less distant realities /... /

Paul Celan answered him:
Let words and figures, images and gestures, veiled by dreams and unveiled by dreams, come from the most distant zones of the mind, and when they meet in their mad race and the spark of the marvelous is born, when the stranger is married to the strangest, I will see the new clarity directly. /... /

By the way of the engraved image, I try to capture as closely as possible the resonances, the vibrations, to make hear the music and the silence of the words. It is never a direct reflection, nor a narrative, rather a transformation, the inflection given under the prism of the spirit.

Thus, between realism and abstraction, between imagination and sensitivity, between intimacy and display - the engraved image is for me a message, a set of signs that continue to bear witness to a meaning, a hope of coherence of the world order.

Valia Eydis_Souffle_gravure_2017

The Breath, 2017, etching, bitumen aquatint, 100 x70

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